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How to participate


Information about the submission of results and their format will be available on Google groups.
We invite potential participants to subscribe to our Google Groups in order to be kept up to date with the latest news related to the task. Please share comments and questions with the Google group. The organizers will assist you for any potential issues that could be raised.


Participants will be required to provide a technical report including a brief description of their approach, an illustration of their experiments, in particular techniques and resources used, and an analysis of their results for their publication in the Proceedings of the task.



Technical reports will be published in IberLEF 2022 Proceedings at


All system description papers will be part of the official IberLEF Proceedings that will be published at (


System Description Papers

For these papers please consider the following indications:


  • The minimum length of a regular paper should be 5 pages. There is no maximum page limit.


  • Papers must be written in English.


  • Each paper must include a copyright footnote on the first page of each paper: {\let\thefootnote\relax\footnotetext{Copyright \textcopyright\ 2022 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). IberLEF 2022, September 2022, A Coruña, Spain.}} 


  • Eliminate the numbering in the pages of the paper, if there is one, and make sure that there are no headers or footnotes, except the mandatory copyright as a footnote on the first page.


  • Authors should be described with their name and their full affiliation (university and country). Names must be complete (no initials), e.g.  “Soto Pérez” instead of “S. Pérez”.


  • Titles of papers should be in emphatic capital English notation, i.e., "Filling an Author Agreement by Autocompletion" rather than "Filling an author agreement by autocompletion".


  • At least one author of each paper must sign the CEUR copyright agreement. Instructions and templates can be found at The signed form must be sent along with the paper to the task organizers. Important: it must be physically signed with pencil on paper.


  • Please cite the overview paper of DETESTS in your respective work. The overviews will appear in the SEPLN journal (volumen 69, Septiembre 2022). The reference will be announced soon.


Please, check the papers for text reuse/plagiarism. We would like to stress this point as CEUR is quite strict about it. Any paper found with plagiarized content will be rejected without further consideration.







© 2022 by DETESTS-IberLEF. 

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